Source code for odc.geo.geom

# This file is part of the Open Data Cube, see for more information
# Copyright (c) 2015-2020 ODC Contributors
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
import array
import functools
import itertools
import math
from collections import namedtuple
from import Sequence
from typing import Any, Dict, Iterable, Iterator, List, Optional, Tuple, Union

import numpy
from affine import Affine
from shapely import geometry, ops
from shapely.geometry import base

from .crs import CRS, CRSMismatchError, MaybeCRS, SomeCRS, norm_crs, norm_crs_or_error

_BoundingBox = namedtuple("_BoundingBox", ("left", "bottom", "right", "top"))
CoordList = List[Tuple[float, float]]

[docs]class BoundingBox(_BoundingBox): """Bounding box, defining extent in cartesian coordinates.""" def buffered(self, xbuff: float, ybuff: Optional[float] = None) -> "BoundingBox": """ Return a new BoundingBox, buffered in the x and y dimensions. :param xbuff: X dimension buffering amount :param ybuff: Y dimension buffering amount :return: new BoundingBox """ if ybuff is None: ybuff = xbuff return BoundingBox( left=self.left - xbuff, bottom=self.bottom - ybuff, right=self.right + xbuff, + ybuff, ) @property def span_x(self) -> float: """Span of the bounding box along x axis.""" return self.right - self.left @property def span_y(self) -> float: """Span of the bounding box along y axis.""" return - self.bottom @property def width(self) -> int: """``int(span_x)``""" return int(self.right - self.left) @property def height(self) -> int: """``int(span_y)``""" return int( - self.bottom) @property def shape(self) -> Tuple[int, int]: """``(int(span_y), int(span_x))``.""" return (self.height, self.width) @property def range_x(self) -> Tuple[float, float]: """``left, right``""" return (self.left, self.right) @property def range_y(self) -> Tuple[float, float]: """``bottom, top``""" return (self.bottom, @property def points(self) -> CoordList: """Extract four corners of the bounding box.""" x0, y0, x1, y1 = self return list(itertools.product((x0, x1), (y0, y1))) def transform(self, transform: Affine) -> "BoundingBox": """ Map bounding box through a linear transform. Apply linear transform on four points of the bounding box and compute bounding box of these four points. """ pts = [transform * pt for pt in self.points] xx = [x for x, _ in pts] yy = [y for _, y in pts] return BoundingBox(min(xx), min(yy), max(xx), max(yy)) @staticmethod def from_xy(x: Tuple[float, float], y: Tuple[float, float]) -> "BoundingBox": """ Construct :py:class:`~odc.geo.geom.BoundingBox` from x and y ranges. :param x: (left, right) :param y: (bottom, top) """ x1, x2 = sorted(x) y1, y2 = sorted(y) return BoundingBox(x1, y1, x2, y2) @staticmethod def from_points(p1: Tuple[float, float], p2: Tuple[float, float]) -> "BoundingBox": """ Construct :py:class:`~odc.geo.geom.BoundingBox` from two points. :param p1: (x, y) :param p2: (x, y) """ return BoundingBox.from_xy((p1[0], p2[0]), (p1[1], p2[1]))
def wrap_shapely(method): """ Takes a method that expects shapely geometry arguments and converts it to a method that operates on :py:class:`odc.geo.geom.Geometry` objects that carry their CRSs. """ @functools.wraps(method, assigned=("__doc__",)) def wrapped(*args): first = args[0] for arg in args[1:]: if != raise CRSMismatchError((, result = method(*[arg.geom for arg in args]) if isinstance(result, base.BaseGeometry): return Geometry(result, return result return wrapped def force_2d(geojson: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]: assert "type" in geojson assert "coordinates" in geojson def is_scalar(x): return isinstance(x, (int, float)) def go(x): if is_scalar(x): return x if isinstance(x, Sequence): if all(is_scalar(y) for y in x): return x[:2] return [go(y) for y in x] raise ValueError(f"invalid coordinate {x}") return {"type": geojson["type"], "coordinates": go(geojson["coordinates"])}
[docs]def densify(coords: CoordList, resolution: float) -> CoordList: """ Adds points so they are at most `resolution` units apart. """ d2 = resolution ** 2 def short_enough(p1, p2): return (p1[0] ** 2 + p2[0] ** 2) < d2 new_coords = [coords[0]] for p1, p2 in zip(coords[:-1], coords[1:]): if not short_enough(p1, p2): segment = geometry.LineString([p1, p2]) segment_length = segment.length d = resolution while d < segment_length: (pt,) = segment.interpolate(d).coords new_coords.append(pt) d += resolution new_coords.append(p2) return new_coords
def _clone_shapely_geom(geom: base.BaseGeometry) -> base.BaseGeometry: return type(geom)(geom)
[docs]class Geometry: """ 2D Geometry with CRS. This is a wrapper around :py:class:`shapely.geometry.BaseGeometry` that adds projection information. Instantiate with a GeoJSON structure. If 3D coordinates are supplied, they are converted to 2D by dropping the Z points. """ # pylint: disable=protected-access, too-many-public-methods
[docs] def __init__( self, geom: Union[base.BaseGeometry, Dict[str, Any], "Geometry"], crs: MaybeCRS = None, ): if isinstance(geom, Geometry): assert crs is None Optional[CRS] = self.geom: base.BaseGeometry = _clone_shapely_geom(geom.geom) return crs = norm_crs(crs) = crs if isinstance(geom, base.BaseGeometry): self.geom = geom elif isinstance(geom, dict): self.geom = geometry.shape(force_2d(geom)) else: raise ValueError(f"Unexpected type {type(geom)}")
def clone(self) -> "Geometry": return Geometry(self) @wrap_shapely def contains(self, other: "Geometry") -> bool: return self.contains(other) @wrap_shapely def crosses(self, other: "Geometry") -> bool: return self.crosses(other) @wrap_shapely def disjoint(self, other: "Geometry") -> bool: return self.disjoint(other) @wrap_shapely def intersects(self, other: "Geometry") -> bool: return self.intersects(other) @wrap_shapely def touches(self, other: "Geometry") -> bool: return self.touches(other) @wrap_shapely def within(self, other: "Geometry") -> bool: return self.within(other) @wrap_shapely def overlaps(self, other: "Geometry") -> bool: return self.overlaps(other) @wrap_shapely def difference(self, other: "Geometry") -> "Geometry": return self.difference(other) @wrap_shapely def intersection(self, other: "Geometry") -> "Geometry": return self.intersection(other) @wrap_shapely def symmetric_difference(self, other: "Geometry") -> "Geometry": return self.symmetric_difference(other) @wrap_shapely def union(self, other: "Geometry") -> "Geometry": return self.union(other) @wrap_shapely def __and__(self, other: "Geometry") -> "Geometry": return self.__and__(other) @wrap_shapely def __or__(self, other: "Geometry") -> "Geometry": return self.__or__(other) @wrap_shapely def __xor__(self, other: "Geometry") -> "Geometry": return self.__xor__(other) @wrap_shapely def __sub__(self, other: "Geometry") -> "Geometry": return self.__sub__(other) def svg(self) -> str: return self.geom.svg() def _repr_svg_(self) -> str: return self.geom._repr_svg_() @property def type(self) -> str: return self.geom.type @property def is_empty(self) -> bool: return self.geom.is_empty @property def is_valid(self) -> bool: return self.geom.is_valid @property def boundary(self) -> "Geometry": return Geometry(self.geom.boundary, @property def exterior(self) -> "Geometry": return Geometry(self.geom.exterior, @property def interiors(self) -> List["Geometry"]: return [Geometry(g, for g in self.geom.interiors] @property def centroid(self) -> "Geometry": return Geometry(self.geom.centroid, @property def coords(self) -> CoordList: return list(self.geom.coords) @property def points(self) -> CoordList: return self.coords @property def length(self) -> float: return self.geom.length @property def area(self) -> float: return self.geom.area @property def xy(self) -> Tuple[array.array, array.array]: return self.geom.xy @property def convex_hull(self) -> "Geometry": return Geometry(self.geom.convex_hull, @property def envelope(self) -> "Geometry": return Geometry(self.geom.envelope, @property def boundingbox(self) -> BoundingBox: minx, miny, maxx, maxy = self.geom.bounds return BoundingBox(left=minx, right=maxx, bottom=miny, top=maxy) @property def wkt(self) -> str: return self.geom.wkt @property def __array_interface__(self): return self.geom.__array_interface__ @property def __geo_interface__(self): return self.geom.__geo_interface__ @property def json(self): return self.__geo_interface__ def segmented(self, resolution: float) -> "Geometry": """ Increase resolution of the geometry. Possibly add more points to the geometry so that no edge is longer than ``resolution``. """ def segmentize_shapely(geom: base.BaseGeometry) -> base.BaseGeometry: if geom.type in ["Point", "MultiPoint"]: return type(geom)(geom) # clone without changes if geom.type in ["GeometryCollection", "MultiPolygon", "MultiLineString"]: return type(geom)([segmentize_shapely(g) for g in geom.geoms]) if geom.type in ["LineString", "LinearRing"]: return type(geom)(densify(list(geom.coords), resolution)) if geom.type == "Polygon": return geometry.Polygon( densify(list(geom.exterior.coords), resolution), [densify(list(i.coords), resolution) for i in geom.interiors], ) raise ValueError(f"unknown geometry type {geom.type}") # pragma: no cover return Geometry(segmentize_shapely(self.geom), def interpolate(self, distance: float) -> "Geometry": """ Returns a point ``distance`` units along the line. @raises :py:class:`TypeError` if geometry doesn't support this operation. """ return Geometry(self.geom.interpolate(distance), def buffer(self, distance: float, resolution: float = 30) -> "Geometry": return Geometry(self.geom.buffer(distance, resolution=resolution), def simplify(self, tolerance: float, preserve_topology: bool = True) -> "Geometry": return Geometry( self.geom.simplify(tolerance, preserve_topology=preserve_topology), ) def transform(self, func) -> "Geometry": """ Map through arbitrary transform. Applies ``func`` to all coordinates of :py:class:`~odc.geo.geom.Geometry` and returns a new Geometry of the same type and in the same projection from the transformed coordinates. ``func`` maps ``x, y``, and optionally ``z`` to output ``xp, yp, zp``. The input parameters may be iterable types like lists or arrays or single values. The output shall be of the same type: scalars in, scalars out; lists in, lists out. """ return Geometry(ops.transform(func, self.geom), def _to_crs(self, crs: CRS) -> "Geometry": assert is not None return Geometry(ops.transform(, self.geom), crs)
[docs] def to_crs( self, crs: SomeCRS, resolution: Optional[float] = None, wrapdateline: bool = False, ) -> "Geometry": """ Convert geometry to a different Coordinate Reference System. :param crs: CRS to convert to :param resolution: Subdivide the geometry such it has no segment longer then the given distance. Defaults to 1 degree for geographic and 100km for projected. To disable completely use Infinity ``float('+inf')`` :param wrapdateline: Attempt to gracefully handle geometry that intersects the dateline when converting to geographic projections. Currently only works in few specific cases (source CRS is smooth over the dateline). """ crs = norm_crs_or_error(crs) if == crs: return self if is None: raise ValueError("Cannot project geometries without CRS") if resolution is None: resolution = 1 if else 100000 geom = self.segmented(resolution) if math.isfinite(resolution) else self eps = 1e-4 if wrapdateline and crs.geographic: # TODO: derive precision from resolution by converting to degrees precision = 0.1 chopped = chop_along_antimeridian(geom, precision) chopped_lonlat = chopped._to_crs(crs) return clip_lon180(chopped_lonlat, eps) return geom._to_crs(crs)
[docs] def geojson( self, properties: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, simplify: float = 0.05, resolution: Optional[float] = float("+inf"), wrapdateline: bool = False, **props, ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Render geometry to GeoJSON. Convert geometry to ``ESPG:4326`` and wrap it in GeoJSON Feature with supplied properties. :param properties: Properties to include in the GeoJSON output. :param simplify: Tolerance in degrees for simplifying geometry after changing to lon/lat. Larger number will result in a smaller (fewer points) and hence faster to display, but less precise geometry. Default is ``0.05`` of a degree. To disable set to ``0``. :param resolution: When supplied, extra points will be added to the original geometry such that no segment is longer than ``resolution`` units. Passed on to :py:meth:`~odc.geo.geom.Geometry.to_crs`. :param wrapdateline: Passed on to :py:meth:`~odc.geo.geom.Geometry.to_crs` :return: GeoJSON Feature dictionary """ gg = self.to_crs("epsg:4326", resolution=resolution, wrapdateline=wrapdateline) if simplify > 0: gg = gg.simplify(simplify) if properties is None: properties = dict(**props) return {"type": "Feature", "geometry": gg.json, "properties": properties}
def split(self, splitter: "Geometry") -> Iterable["Geometry"]: """shapely.ops.split""" if != raise CRSMismatchError(, for g in ops.split(self.geom, splitter.geom).geoms: yield Geometry(g, def __iter__(self) -> Iterator["Geometry"]: for geom in self.geom.geoms: yield Geometry(geom, def __nonzero__(self) -> bool: return not self.is_empty def __bool__(self) -> bool: return not self.is_empty def __eq__(self, other: Any) -> bool: return ( hasattr(other, "crs") and == and hasattr(other, "geom") and self.geom == other.geom ) def __str__(self): return f"Geometry({self.__geo_interface__}, {!r})" def __repr__(self): return f"Geometry({self.geom}, {})" # Implement pickle/unpickle # It does work without these two methods, but gdal/ogr prints 'ERROR 1: Empty geometries cannot be constructed' # when unpickling, which is quite unpleasant. def __getstate__(self): return {"geom": self.json, "crs":} def __setstate__(self, state): self.__init__(**state)
[docs]def common_crs(geoms: Iterable[Geometry]) -> Optional[CRS]: """ Compute common CRS. :return: CRS common across geometries. :return: ``None`` when input was empty :raises: :py:class:`` when there are multiple. """ all_crs = [ for g in geoms] if len(all_crs) == 0: return None ref = all_crs[0] for crs in all_crs[1:]: if crs != ref: raise CRSMismatchError() return ref
[docs]def projected_lon( crs: MaybeCRS, lon: float, lat: Tuple[float, float] = (-90.0, 90.0), step: float = 1.0, ) -> Geometry: """ Project vertical line along some longitude into a given CRS. :param crs: Destination CRS :param lon: Longitude to project :param lat: Optionally limit range of the line :param step: Line "resolution" in degrees """ crs = norm_crs_or_error(crs) yy = numpy.arange(lat[0], lat[1], step, dtype="float32") xx = numpy.full_like(yy, lon) tr = CRS("EPSG:4326").transformer_to_crs(crs) xx_, yy_ = tr(xx, yy) pts = [ (float(x), float(y)) for x, y in zip(xx_, yy_) if math.isfinite(x) and math.isfinite(y) ] return line(pts, crs)
[docs]def clip_lon180(geom: Geometry, tol=1e-6) -> Geometry: """ Tweak Geometry in the vicinity of longitude discontinuity. For every point within ``tol`` degress of ``lon=180|-180``, clip to either ``lon=180`` or ``lon=-180``. Which one is decided based on where the majority of other points lie. .. note:: This will only do the "right thing" for "chopped" geometries. Expectation is that all the points are to one side of ``lon=180`` line, but some might have moved just beyond due to numeric tolerance issues. .. seealso:: :py:meth:`odc.geo.geom.chop_along_antimeridian` """ thresh = 180 - tol def _clip_180(xx, clip): return [x if abs(x) < thresh else clip for x in xx] def _pick_clip(xx: List[float]): cc = 0 for x in xx: if abs(x) < thresh: cc += 1 if x > 0 else -1 return 180 if cc >= 0 else -180 def transformer(xx, yy): clip = _pick_clip(xx) return _clip_180(xx, clip), yy if geom.type.startswith("Multi"): return multigeom(g.transform(transformer) for g in geom) return geom.transform(transformer)
[docs]def chop_along_antimeridian(geom: Geometry, precision: float = 0.1) -> Geometry: """ Chop a geometry along the antimeridian. :param geom: Geometry to maybe partition :param precision: in degrees :returns: either the same geometry if it doesn't intersect the antimeridian, or multi-geometry that has been split. """ if is None: raise ValueError("Expect geometry with CRS defined") l180 = projected_lon(, 180, step=precision) if geom.intersects(l180): return multigeom(geom.split(l180)) return geom
########################################### # Helper constructor functions a la shapely ###########################################
[docs]def point(x: float, y: float, crs: MaybeCRS) -> Geometry: """ Create a 2D Point. >>> point(10, 10, crs=None) Geometry(POINT (10 10), None) """ return Geometry({"type": "Point", "coordinates": [float(x), float(y)]}, crs=crs)
[docs]def multipoint(coords: CoordList, crs: MaybeCRS) -> Geometry: """ Create a 2D MultiPoint Geometry. >>> multipoint([(10, 10), (20, 20)], None) Geometry(MULTIPOINT (10 10, 20 20), None) :param coords: list of x,y coordinate tuples """ return Geometry({"type": "MultiPoint", "coordinates": coords}, crs=crs)
[docs]def line(coords: CoordList, crs: MaybeCRS) -> Geometry: """ Create a 2D LineString (Connected set of lines). >>> line([(10, 10), (20, 20), (30, 40)], None) Geometry(LINESTRING (10 10, 20 20, 30 40), None) :param coords: list of x,y coordinate tuples """ return Geometry({"type": "LineString", "coordinates": coords}, crs=crs)
[docs]def multiline(coords: List[CoordList], crs: MaybeCRS) -> Geometry: """ Create a 2D MultiLineString (Multiple disconnected sets of lines). >>> multiline([[(10, 10), (20, 20), (30, 40)], [(50, 60), (70, 80), (90, 99)]], None) Geometry(MULTILINESTRING ((10 10, 20 20, 30 40), (50 60, 70 80, 90 99)), None) :param coords: list of lists of x,y coordinate tuples """ return Geometry({"type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": coords}, crs=crs)
[docs]def polygon(outer, crs: MaybeCRS, *inners) -> Geometry: """ Create a 2D Polygon. >>> polygon([(10, 10), (20, 20), (20, 10), (10, 10)], None) Geometry(POLYGON ((10 10, 20 20, 20 10, 10 10)), None) :param coords: list of 2d x,y coordinate tuples """ return Geometry({"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": (outer,) + inners}, crs=crs)
[docs]def multipolygon(coords: List[CoordList], crs: MaybeCRS) -> Geometry: """ Create a 2D MultiPolygon. :param coords: list of lists of x,y coordinate tuples """ return Geometry( {"type": "MultiPolygon", "coordinates": [[poly] for poly in coords]}, crs=crs )
[docs]def box( left: float, bottom: float, right: float, top: float, crs: MaybeCRS ) -> Geometry: """ Create a 2D Box (Polygon). >>> box(10, 10, 20, 20, None) Geometry(POLYGON ((10 10, 10 20, 20 20, 20 10, 10 10)), None) """ points = [ (left, bottom), (left, top), (right, top), (right, bottom), (left, bottom), ] return polygon(points, crs=crs)
[docs]def polygon_from_transform( width: float, height: float, transform: Affine, crs: MaybeCRS ) -> Geometry: """ Create a 2D Polygon from an affine transform. :param width: :param height: :param transform: :param crs: CRS """ points = [(0, 0), (0, height), (width, height), (width, 0), (0, 0)] transform.itransform(points) return polygon(points, crs=crs)
[docs]def sides(poly: Geometry) -> Iterable[Geometry]: """ Returns a sequence of Geometry[Line] objects. One for each side of the exterior ring of the input polygon. """ XY = poly.exterior.points crs = for p1, p2 in zip(XY[:-1], XY[1:]): yield line([p1, p2], crs)
[docs]def multigeom(geoms: Iterable[Geometry]) -> Geometry: """Construct ``Multi{Polygon|LineString|Point}``.""" geoms = list(geoms) # force into list src_type = {g.type for g in geoms} if len(src_type) > 1: raise ValueError("All Geometries must be of the same type") crs = common_crs(geoms) # will raise if some differ raw_geoms = [g.geom for g in geoms] src_type = src_type.pop() if src_type == "Polygon": return Geometry(geometry.MultiPolygon(raw_geoms), crs) if src_type == "Point": return Geometry(geometry.MultiPoint(raw_geoms), crs) if src_type == "LineString": return Geometry(geometry.MultiLineString(raw_geoms), crs) raise ValueError("Only understand Polygon|LineString|Point")
########################################### # Multi-geometry operations ###########################################
[docs]def unary_union(geoms: Iterable[Geometry]) -> Optional[Geometry]: """ Compute union of multiple (multi)polygons efficiently. """ geoms = list(geoms) if len(geoms) == 0: return None first = geoms[0] crs = for g in geoms[1:]: if crs != raise CRSMismatchError((crs, return Geometry(ops.unary_union([g.geom for g in geoms]), crs)
[docs]def unary_intersection(geoms: Iterable[Geometry]) -> Geometry: """ Compute intersection of multiple (multi)polygons. """ return functools.reduce(Geometry.intersection, geoms)
[docs]def intersects(a: Geometry, b: Geometry) -> bool: """ Check for intersection. :return: ``True`` if geometries intersect, else ``False`` """ return a.intersects(b) and not a.touches(b)
[docs]def bbox_union(bbs: Iterable[BoundingBox]) -> BoundingBox: """ Compute union of bounding boxes. Given a stream of bounding boxes compute enclosing :py:class:`~odc.geo.geom.BoundingBox`. """ # pylint: disable=invalid-name L = B = float("+inf") R = T = float("-inf") for bb in bbs: l, b, r, t = bb L = min(l, L) B = min(b, B) R = max(r, R) T = max(t, T) return BoundingBox(L, B, R, T)
[docs]def bbox_intersection(bbs: Iterable[BoundingBox]) -> BoundingBox: """ Compute intersection of boudning boxes. Given a stream of bounding boxes compute the overlap :py:class:`~odc.geo.geom.BoundingBox`. """ # pylint: disable=invalid-name L = B = float("-inf") R = T = float("+inf") for bb in bbs: l, b, r, t = bb L = max(l, L) B = max(b, B) R = min(r, R) T = min(t, T) return BoundingBox(L, B, R, T)
[docs]def lonlat_bounds( geom: Geometry, mode: str = "safe", resolution: Optional[float] = None ) -> BoundingBox: """ Return the bounding box of a geometry. :param geom: Geometry in any projection :param mode: safe|quick :param resolution: If supplied will first segmentize input geometry to have no segment longer than ``resolution``, this increases accuracy at the cost of computation """ assert mode in ("safe", "quick") if is None: raise ValueError("lonlat_bounds can only operate on Geometry with CRS defined") if return geom.boundingbox if resolution is not None and math.isfinite(resolution): geom = geom.segmented(resolution) bbox = geom.to_crs("EPSG:4326", resolution=math.inf).boundingbox xx_range = bbox.range_x if mode == "safe": # If range in Longitude is more than 180 then it's probably wrapped # around 180 (X-360 for X > 180), so we add back 360 but only for X<0 # values. This only works if input geometry doesn't span more than half # a globe, so we need to check for that too, but this is not yet # implemented... if bbox.span_x > 180: # TODO: check the case when input geometry spans >180 region. # For now we assume "smaller" geometries not too close # to poles. xx_ = [x + 360 if x < 0 else x for x in bbox.range_x] xx_range_ = min(xx_), max(xx_) span_x_ = xx_range_[1] - xx_range_[0] if span_x_ < bbox.span_x: xx_range = xx_range_ return BoundingBox.from_xy(xx_range, bbox.range_y)
[docs]def mid_longitude(geom: Geometry) -> float: """ Compute longitude of the center point of a geometry. """ ((lon,), _) = geom.centroid.to_crs("epsg:4326").xy return lon