# This file is part of the Open Data Cube, see https://opendatacube.org for more information
# Copyright (c) 2015-2020 ODC Contributors
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
Tools for dealing with ROIs (Regions of Interest).
In this context ROI is a 2d slice of an image. For example a top left corner of 10 pixels square
will have an ROI that can be constructed with :py:func:`numpy.s_` like this: ``s_[0:10, 0:10]``.
import collections.abc
import numpy as np
from .math import align_down, align_up
# This is numeric code, short names make sense in this context, so disabling
# "invalid name" checks for the whole file
# pylint: disable=invalid-name
class WindowFromSlice:
"""Translate numpy slices to rasterio window tuples."""
# pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
def __getitem__(self, roi):
if roi is None:
return None
if not isinstance(roi, collections.abc.Sequence) or len(roi) != 2:
raise ValueError("Need 2d roi")
row, col = roi
return (
(0 if row.start is None else row.start, row.stop),
(0 if col.start is None else col.start, col.stop),
w_ = WindowFromSlice()
[docs]def polygon_path(x, y=None):
Points along axis aligned polygon.
A little bit like :py:func:`numpy.meshgrid`, except returns only boundary points and limited to
a 2d case only.
.. rubric:: Examples
.. code-block::
[0,1] - unit square
[0,1], [0,1] => [[0, 1, 1, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 1, 1, 0]])
# three points per X, two point per Y side
[0,1,2], [7,9] => [[0, 1, 2, 2, 1, 0, 0],
[7, 7, 7, 9, 9, 9, 7]]
if y is None:
y = x
return np.vstack(
np.vstack([x, np.full_like(x, y[0])]).T,
np.vstack([np.full_like(y, x[-1]), y]).T[1:],
np.vstack([x, np.full_like(x, y[-1])]).T[::-1][1:],
np.vstack([np.full_like(y, x[0]), y]).T[::-1][1:],
[docs]def roi_boundary(roi, pts_per_side=2):
Get boundary points from a 2d roi.
roi needs to be in the normalised form, i.e. no open-ended start/stop,
``Nx2`` ``float32`` array of ``X,Y`` points on the perimeter of the envelope defined by ``roi``
.. seealso:: :py:func:`~odc.geo.roi.roi_normalise`
yy, xx = roi
xx = np.linspace(xx.start, xx.stop, pts_per_side, dtype="float32")
yy = np.linspace(yy.start, yy.stop, pts_per_side, dtype="float32")
return polygon_path(xx, yy).T[:-1]
[docs]def scaled_down_roi(roi, scale: int):
Compute ROI for a scaled down image.
Given a crop region of the original image compute equivalent crop in the overview image.
:param roi: ROI in the original image
:param scale: integer scale to get scaled down image
:return: ROI in the scaled down image
return tuple(slice(s.start // scale, align_up(s.stop, scale) // scale) for s in roi)
[docs]def scaled_up_roi(roi, scale: int, shape=None):
Compute ROI for a scaled up image.
Given a crop region in the original image compute equivalent crop in the upsampled image.
:param roi: ROI in the original image
:param scale: integer scale to get scaled up image
:return: ROI in the scaled upimage
roi = tuple(slice(s.start * scale, s.stop * scale) for s in roi)
if shape is not None:
roi = tuple(
slice(min(dim, s.start), min(dim, s.stop)) for s, dim in zip(roi, shape)
return roi
[docs]def scaled_down_shape(shape, scale: int):
Compute shape of the overview image.
:param shape: Original shape
:param scale: Shrink factor
:return: shape of the overview image
return tuple(align_up(s, scale) // scale for s in shape)
[docs]def roi_shape(roi):
Shape of an array after cropping with ``roi``.
Same as ``xx[roi].shape``.
def slice_dim(s):
return s.stop if s.start is None else s.stop - s.start
if isinstance(roi, slice):
roi = (roi,)
return tuple(slice_dim(s) for s in roi)
[docs]def roi_is_empty(roi):
Check if ROI is "empty".
ROI is empty if any dimension is 0 elements wide.
return any(d <= 0 for d in roi_shape(roi))
[docs]def roi_is_full(roi, shape):
Check if ROI covers the entire region.
:returns: ``True`` if ``roi`` covers region from ``(0,..) -> shape``
:returns: ``False`` if ``roi`` actually crops an image
def slice_full(s, n):
return s.start in (0, None) and s.stop in (n, None)
if isinstance(roi, slice):
roi = (roi,)
shape = (shape,)
return all(slice_full(s, n) for s, n in zip(roi, shape))
[docs]def roi_normalise(roi, shape):
Normalise ROI.
Fill in missing ``.start/.stop``, also deal with negative values, which are treated as offsets
from the end.
``.step`` parameter is left unchanged.
.. rubric:: Example
.. code-block::
np.s_[:3, 4: ], (10, 20) => np.s_[0:3, 4:20]
np.s_[:3, :-3], (10, 20) => np.s_[0:3, 0:17]
def fill_if_none(x, val_if_none):
return val_if_none if x is None else x
def norm_slice(s, n):
start = fill_if_none(s.start, 0)
stop = fill_if_none(s.stop, n)
start, stop = (x if x >= 0 else n + x for x in (start, stop))
return slice(start, stop, s.step)
if not isinstance(shape, collections.abc.Sequence):
shape = (shape,)
if isinstance(roi, slice):
return norm_slice(roi, shape[0])
return tuple(norm_slice(s, n) for s, n in zip(roi, shape))
[docs]def roi_pad(roi, pad, shape):
Pad ROI on each side, with clamping.
Returned ROI is guaranteed to be within ``(0,..) -> shape``.
def pad_slice(s, n):
return slice(max(0, s.start - pad), min(n, s.stop + pad))
if isinstance(roi, slice):
return pad_slice(roi, shape)
return tuple(pad_slice(s, n) for s, n in zip(roi, shape))
[docs]def roi_intersect(a, b):
Compute intersection of two ROIs.
.. rubric:: Examples
.. code-block::
s_[1:30], s_[20:40] => s_[20:30]
s_[1:10], s_[20:40] => s_[10:10]
# works for N dimensions
s_[1:10, 11:21], s_[8:12, 10:30] => s_[8:10, 11:21]
def slice_intersect(a, b):
if a.stop < b.start:
return slice(a.stop, a.stop)
if a.start > b.stop:
return slice(a.start, a.start)
_in = max(a.start, b.start)
_out = min(a.stop, b.stop)
return slice(_in, _out)
if isinstance(a, slice):
if not isinstance(b, slice):
b = b[0]
return slice_intersect(a, b)
b = (b,) if isinstance(b, slice) else b
return tuple(slice_intersect(sa, sb) for sa, sb in zip(a, b))
[docs]def roi_center(roi):
"""Return center point of an ``roi``."""
def slice_center(s):
return (s.start + s.stop) * 0.5
if isinstance(roi, slice):
return slice_center(roi)
return tuple(slice_center(s) for s in roi)
[docs]def roi_from_points(xy, shape, padding=0, align=None):
Build ROI from sample points.
Compute envelope around a bunch of points and return it as an ROI (tuple of
row/col slices)
Returned roi is clipped ``(0,0) --> shape``, so it won't stick outside of the
valid region.
def to_roi(*args):
return tuple(slice(v[0], v[1]) for v in args)
assert len(shape) == 2
assert xy.ndim == 2 and xy.shape[1] == 2
ny, nx = shape
_in = np.floor(xy.min(axis=0)).astype("int32") - padding
_out = np.ceil(xy.max(axis=0)).astype("int32") + padding
if align is not None:
_in = align_down(_in, align)
_out = align_up(_out, align)
xx = np.asarray([_in[0], _out[0]])
yy = np.asarray([_in[1], _out[1]])
xx = np.clip(xx, 0, nx, out=xx)
yy = np.clip(yy, 0, ny, out=yy)
return to_roi(yy, xx)